還有一個之前提過的,遠距教學課程是不符合 PGWP 申請資格的。
因應新冠肺炎,加拿大政府宣布從2020春季到2021秋季開學的同學們,可以100%在境外完成學業,並且不影響申請畢業工簽的資格。 (此政策目前僅適用到2021年12月31日)
Distance learning
Under normal circumstances, all distance learning courses completed outside Canada are excluded from the time accumulated towards the length of the post-graduation work permit, and 50% of a student’s courses must be completed in Canada and in person.
The following temporary policy changes have been made to better accommodate eligible international students who have completed distance learning in or outside Canada.
All students who were enrolled in a PGWP-eligible program in progress in March 2020 or who started a program of study from spring 2020 up to and including the fall 2021 semester are not required to complete 50% of their program (or programs) of study in Canada. Up to 100% of their program can be completed online from outside Canada.
Time spent studying outside of Canada can be counted towards the overall length of the post-graduation work permit until December 31, 2021. Any time spent studying outside of Canada after December 31, 2021 should be deducted from the length of the post-graduation work permit.