加拿大移民部長 Sean Fraser 於2022年10月7日宣布:『 從2022年11月15日開始至2023年12月31日的上課期間 』,同學們可以在校外工作超過20個小時!
1. 持有效學簽,並且已經在加拿大
2. 學生簽證已被批准,但是還未入境加拿大或是10月7號前已送出申請,但是還在等待批准(包括申請延長學簽的同學):
— 你的學簽裡必須有可以校外打工許可(打工遊學、公立學院學生適用)
— 你必須在2023年12月31日之前在加拿大境內
1. 受用對象:2022年10月7日前 送出申請的同學們,並且受用的學期期間目前只到2023年12月31日。
2. 有效學簽:學簽上有附註可以校外打工(看以下範例)
During regular school terms/semesters
You can work up to 20 hours per week. You can work more than 1 job to make up these hours as long as you continue to meet the conditions of your study permit.
Who can work more than 20 hours per week off campus
From November 15, 2022, until December 31, 2023, you can work more than 20 hours per week off campus while class is in session if you
- are a study permit holder and are studying at a DLI full-time (or part-time during your final academic session), OR
- have been approved for a study permit but haven’t arrived in Canada yet
In addition, you must meet all these requirements:
- You must ensure we received your application for this study permit (including extensions) on or before October 7, 2022.
- You must have an off-campus work authorization on your study permit.
- You must be either in Canada or coming to Canada by December 31, 2023.
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