
- 您的 PGWP 已過期或將在 2021 年 9 月 20 日至 2022 年 12 月 31 日(含)之間過期。
- 你持有有效期限的護照。
- 如果您的 PGWP 仍然有效,則工作許可將在您當前的 PGWP 到期之日或您的護照到期之日起最長 18 個月內簽發,以先到者為準。
- 如果您的 PGWP 已過期,則工作許可將在您的申請獲得批准之日起最長 18 個月或直到您的護照過期,以先到者為準。
- 為了最大限度地延長開放式工籤的期限,請確保您的護照從您的 PGWP 到期之日(如果您的 PGWP 仍然有效)或您的申請被批准之日(如果您的 PGWP 已過期)起至少 18 個月有效.
例如:如果您的護照有效期為 6 個月,您將獲得 6 個月的開放式工簽。
- 移民局近期會發送電子郵件確認郵寄地址,若聯繫 地址不需要更新,護照效期也有18個月以上的情況(至2024年4月或之後),你不需要回覆,一份新的工簽會在10月中之前郵寄到家。
- 若需要更新的址(護照效期也有18個月以上),收到移民局的電子郵件時,請按照說明更新郵寄地址。
- 若護照效期不足18個月的情況,你會在9月收到電子郵件,並有兩週的時間更新護照和郵寄地址。完成更新後,你將會在11月中之前收到新的工簽。
- 若無法更新我的地址或護照效期,你可能需要線上申請延長工簽,你可能會收到新的工作簽證,效期已延長到護照有效日,或者你可以等拿到新護照後再申請。
- 移民局9月中旬之前沒有聯絡你,代表你可能不符合資格,或是你也可嘗試線上遞交申請。
- 學簽到期日期是Study Permit上面標註的到期日
- 學簽失效日期是學簽在達到畢業要求後(最後一門課公佈成績,拿到畢業信或成績單,即使還沒領到畢業證書)的三個月後即會失效。
簡單來說,同學們可以在獲得學校的畢業通知信之後的180天內申請 PGWP ,可是學簽有效期只有90天,所以同學們還是需要在90天之內送出申請。
The expiry date on your study permit tells you when you have to stop studying and leave Canada.
You can find the expiry date in the top right corner of your permit. This date is usually the length of your study program, plus 90 days.
The extra 90 days gives you time to prepare to leave Canada or to extend your stay in Canada.
申请人讀書過程最後一個學期因為選課的關係,不得不從全職學生變成Part-time study。
Part-time status for final academic session
Students must maintain their full-time student status during each academic session of the program or programs of study they complete and submit as part of their post-graduation work permit application.
However, if a student meets all the eligibility requirements, with the exception of full-time status during their final academic session (that is, they have part-time status only in their final academic session), they are still considered eligible for the PGWPP.
因應新冠肺炎,加拿大政府宣布從2020春季到2021秋季開學的同學們,可以100%在境外完成學業,並且不影響申請畢業工簽的資格。 (此政策目前僅適用到2021年12月31日)
Distance learning
Under normal circumstances, all distance learning courses completed outside Canada are excluded from the time accumulated towards the length of the post-graduation work permit, and 50% of a student’s courses must be completed in Canada and in person.
The following temporary policy changes have been made to better accommodate eligible international students who have completed distance learning in or outside Canada.
All students who were enrolled in a PGWP-eligible program in progress in March 2020 or who started a program of study from spring 2020 up to and including the fall 2021 semester are not required to complete 50% of their program (or programs) of study in Canada. Up to 100% of their program can be completed online from outside Canada.
Time spent studying outside of Canada can be counted towards the overall length of the post-graduation work permit until December 31, 2021. Any time spent studying outside of Canada after December 31, 2021 should be deducted from the length of the post-graduation work permit.
最後提醒大家,在申請任何簽證的時候都一定要注意護照的效期!無論你的 PGWP 畢業工簽可以申請多久,只要你的護照效期不夠,到期日都會只到護照效期!為了避免發生還要重新申請並多付錢的情況,大家一定要確認好自己護照效期在申請簽證喔~
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