► 外帶保麗龍餐盒 (不可有廚餘在裡面)
► 玻璃罐、塑膠罐頭、鐵罐頭
► 乾淨的塑膠盒、塑膠杯
► 紙盒、紙箱
► 報章雜誌
原文 What goes in the Blue Bin
- Bottles, jars (lids on)
Rigid Plastics
- Food jars, tubs (lids on)
- Clear food containers/clamshells (e.g. from berries, mixed greens)
- Disposable plates, cups
- Beverage bottles (lids on)
- Detergent, soap, shampoo bottles (lids/sprayers/pumps on)
- Clear CD/DVD cases (empty; black cases are garbage)
- Note: all black and/or compostable plastic goes in the garbage.
Soft, Stretchy Plastics
- Grocery/retail shopping bags
- Produce/bulk food bags
- Bread bags (non-foil)
- Milk bags (outer bag, rinsed inner pouches)
- Sandwich bags (including resealable)
- Frozen fruit/vegetable bags (no stand-up pouches)
- Over-wrap (e.g. from toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, water/soft drink cases)
- Newspaper/flyer/magazine bags (separate paper from bag, recycle separately)
- Dry cleaning bags
- Diaper/feminine hygiene outer bags
- Garden soil/manure/compost/road salt bags
Note: remove product before recycling.
- Aluminum/steel food & beverage cans
- Aluminum trays, burner liners, pie plates, roasting pans
- Cookie tins
- Aerosol cans (empty; lids on)
- Paint cans (empty; remove lids and recycle separately)
- Bags (without wax or plastic lining/coating)
- Advertising mail, fine paper, envelopes
- Newspapers, flyers, directories, magazines, catalogues (remove over-wrap, recycle separately)
- Gift wrap, tissue paper, cards (no ribbons, bows, foil wrap)
- Shredded paper (put in clear plastic bag, tie closed)
- Soft/hard cover books
*Place pieces smaller than a business card in envelope or add to bag of shredded paper.
Paper Containers
- Cartons and boxes (e.g. from juice, milk, soup; straws are garbage)
- Spiral wound cans (e.g. from chips, nuts, frozen juice – place metal end in can and pinch closed; pull-off strips are garbage)
- Cardboard
- Boxboard (e.g. from cereal, tissue, detergent, shoe; remove liners, flatten, no freezer boxes)
- Corrugated cardboard (unwaxed, flattened; pizza boxes must be empty; remove over-wrap from water/soft drink cases, recycle separately)
- Rolls (e.g. from toilet paper, paper towel, wrapping paper)
Foam Polystyrene
- Foam food and protective packaging (e.g. plates, cups, egg cartons, takeout containers, meat/fish trays; plastic wrap & absorbent pad are garbage)
- Protective packaging (e.g. from shipping, electronics; foam packaging peanuts are garbage)
Note: Food/drink packaging must be empty and rinsed (otherwise, place in garbage). Black foam items and pieces smaller than 10 cm (4″) x 10 cm (4″) go in the garbage).
► 麵包、餅乾
► 咖啡渣、濾紙、茶包
► 肉、魚、魚骨頭、蛋殼、堅果殼
► 尿布(含寵物的)、面紙、女性衛生用品
原文 What goes in the Green Bin
All Food Waste
- Vegetable scraps and peels, corn cobs and husks
- Fruit cores, pits, peels
- Meat, poultry, fish, shellfish (including bones)
- Pasta, bread, grains, cereals, rice, flour
- Dairy products, eggs (including shells)
- Nuts, nutshells
- Baked goods, desserts
- Paper napkins, paper towels, tissues (if soiled with chemicals such as cleaning products, place in the Garbage Bin)
- Coffee grounds, filters, tea bags
- Food-soiled paper plates and takeout containers (not waxed or plastic-coated)
- Paper bags (e.g. from flour, sugar)
- Food-soiled pizza boxes
- Paper muffin cups (not waxed or parchment)
- House plants, including soil
- Pet waste
- Diapers
- Feminine hygiene products
► 外帶黑色塑膠餐盒 (不可有廚餘在裡面)
► 飲料杯、吸管
► 燈泡
► 泡泡包裝紙
原文 What goes in the garbage bin
- Cleaning wipes
- Masks, plastic gloves
- Liner bags (cereal, cookies, crackers)
- Black plastic food containers, cutlery, lids
- Hot drink cups (recycle non-black lids and sleeves)
- Cold drink cups, straws (recycle lids)
- Plastic bubble wrap
- Laminated plastic film (stand-up pouches, snack food bags)
- Dryer and disposable mop sheets, baby wipes, make-up pads, cotton tipped swabs, dental floss
- Plastic or foil wrappers, aluminum foil
- Drink pouches, straws
- Popsicle sticks, toothpicks, wood chips, pencil shavings
- Hair, pet hair, feathers, nail clippings, dryer lint Candles and wax, cigarette butts and ashes
- Gum packages, blister packs
- Light bulbs (not CFLs), dishes, drinking glasses
- Metallic gift wrap and bows
- Ribbons
- Wooden fruit crates
- Broken mugs, dishes