TTC是「The Toronto Transit Commission」的縮寫,中文是多倫多公路局。TTC分為三種交通工具,一種是地鐵(Subway)、一種是街車(Streetcar),及公車。台北捷運的悠遊卡採用儲值的方式,而多倫多TTC則是採取月票制、周票制、一日票及單程票。單程票可以至櫃台或者機器旁投幣購買代幣(Token)或直接投幣,這是一個類似代幣的迷你錢幣,只要每次搭乘時投進巴士或者街車或是地鐵刷卡機內,就可以搭車。
而若是在短時間內轉乘其他交通工具,例如:從地鐵下車後須立刻轉搭公車,乘客就需要拿一張 Transfer 的票券,這樣即毋須再投幣;不過若是於地鐵下車後過了限定時間內就不能使用 Transfer 票券轉搭,需要再次投幣零錢或代幣(Token)。另外記得下公車與下街車時若是有需要轉乘,請記得向司機要轉乘券。否則下車之後需要再搭乘其他交通工具,就要再浪費車資。
● Ontario (Toronto)- C$11.25(全加最高!)
● Nova Scotia (Halifax)- C$10.40
● Quebec (Montreal)- C$10.35
● Saskatchewan (Regina)- C$10.00
● Alberta (Calgary)- C$9.95
● British Columbia (Vancouver)- C$10.25
Tamwood 為移民局核准發”學簽”與”工簽”的認證號碼:O19280516442
聽聽看7月剛入學的學生怎麼說Tamwood Career
Ben has been a student at Tamwood Careers for two months, and his bubbly and outgoing personality has become a big part of everyday life at Tamwood Careers. We asked him some questions about his Vancouver adventures so far!
What made you come to Vancouver?
Actually, I was thinking to go to the USA or Canada. But I had heard Canada is better than the United States for the safety. That is the biggest reason that I chose Canada. And I came to Vancouver since the weather is better here than in Toronto.
How have you enjoyed studying so far?
So far so good!
Since there are many nationalities in Vancouver, I would have heard many different accents and intonations. It helped me to develop my English a lot.
Are you enjoying living in Vancouver?
Of course, yes!
Everybody is friendly, and the weather in Vancouver is awesome!
What’s the big differences between Vancouver and your home city?
There are many differences between Vancouver and my home city, my home city is too busy to relax enough. However, Vancouver is more comfortable to study and live. But everything is more ‘EXPENSIVE’ in Vancouver than in my home city.
Would you recommend Tamwood Careers to your friends back home?
Yes I would recommend Tamwood Careers to my friends. I have been in my different schools so far, and I think program in Tamwood Careers is good for not only improving English but also learning many business things that we can use in the future. The best thing that I would recommend to my friend is Tamwood Careers’s program is not based on textbook. Except the final exam, we have different group projects every month, and it helps us not to be bored.
Thank you for your advise Ben, it’s been great having you study with us at Tamwood Careers
想看富含歷史文化的地方就不能不去多倫多的卡薩羅馬城堡,這棟歌德復興式的建築建於西元1911年,為Sir Henry Mill Pellatt的住家。卡薩羅馬堡全年的景色都很優美;冬季時可看到可愛的聖誕裝飾,夏季時可欣賞城堡前的別緻花園。城堡裡的房間依然保留著100年前就在使用的家具。城堡背後有著迷人的故事,也能幫助您了解加拿大移民的歷史背景。
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