Tamwood Careers 加拿大 溫哥華打工遊學
如果你有定期看WOORI的部落格或臉書你一定知道這家學校(Tamwood Language Centre) 這家學校幾乎都沒有華人或台灣籍的學生,學生幾乎都平均來自歐洲,巴西,日本等國家!,在這裡你交到的朋友不會是中國人,韓國人或同一國籍超過一半的學校
Tamwood International College 介紹
●創校年份: 1992 年
●學生網站: www.tamwood.com/langcourses.asp
●學生人數: 150 – 250 人
●國際學生比率:歐洲( 38%), 拉丁美洲 ( 25%), 日本 ( 12%), 中東 ( 3%), 韓國 ( 15%) (華人 0.5%)
●校區: 加拿大 : 多倫多, 溫哥華, 惠思勒
Tamwood Careers 加拿大 溫哥華打工遊學
泰姆伍德國際學院在加拿大幾處最優美的校園和夏令營為學生提供英語語言教學服務。泰姆伍德國際學院在加拿大溫哥華和維思勒為成人提供專業英語語言課程,並在溫哥華,維思勒,和倫敦市為青少年學生提供夏令營,家庭接待,和冬季ESL加滑雪活動等多種形式的語言學習計劃。 泰姆伍德國際學院溫哥華英語分校坐落在溫哥華市中心,學校配備有寬敞明 亮的教室,一流的計算機語言實驗室,以及舒適,充滿情趣的學生休息室。
Tamwood 語言中心擁有加拿大BC省立案的CO-OP課程,將會提供學生不只英文課程,並未你的未來工作上加分的英文專業課程叫做"國際工作英文交流課程"
Study 課程-24周
1. 加拿大工作場所的文化須知80 hrs
2. 如何有效工通80 hrs
3. 如何專業表達自我想法80 hrs
4. 加拿大旅遊業,服務業,商業的文化概況160 hrs
● 入學門檻: 雅思 4 分 或 報名前3個月語言先修班課程 + 專業打工遊學
● 開課日期: 每月一次
● 學費: $約8千加幣
Q: 加拿大法定最低時薪是多少?(2015年)(2015年)
● Ontario (Toronto)- C$11.25(全加最高!)
● Nova Scotia (Halifax)- C$10.40
● Quebec (Montreal)- C$10.35
● Saskatchewan (Regina)- C$10.00
● Alberta (Calgary)- C$9.95
● British Columbia (Vancouver)- C$10.25
Tamwood 為移民局核准發”學簽”與”工簽”的認證號碼:O19280516442
聽聽看7月剛入學的學生怎麼說Tamwood Career
Ben has been a student at Tamwood Careers for two months, and his bubbly and outgoing personality has become a big part of everyday life at Tamwood Careers. We asked him some questions about his Vancouver adventures so far!
What made you come to Vancouver?
Actually, I was thinking to go to the USA or Canada. But I had heard Canada is better than the United States for the safety. That is the biggest reason that I chose Canada. And I came to Vancouver since the weather is better here than in Toronto.
How have you enjoyed studying so far?
So far so good!
Since there are many nationalities in Vancouver, I would have heard many different accents and intonations. It helped me to develop my English a lot.
Are you enjoying living in Vancouver?
Of course, yes!
Everybody is friendly, and the weather in Vancouver is awesome!
What’s the big differences between Vancouver and your home city?
There are many differences between Vancouver and my home city, my home city is too busy to relax enough. However, Vancouver is more comfortable to study and live. But everything is more ‘EXPENSIVE’ in Vancouver than in my home city.
Would you recommend Tamwood Careers to your friends back home?
Yes I would recommend Tamwood Careers to my friends. I have been in my different schools so far, and I think program in Tamwood Careers is good for not only improving English but also learning many business things that we can use in the future. The best thing that I would recommend to my friend is Tamwood Careers’s program is not based on textbook. Except the final exam, we have different group projects every month, and it helps us not to be bored.
Thank you for your advise Ben, it’s been great having you study with us at Tamwood Careers
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